Abstraction as an Approach to the Learning of Basic Design

Burcu Balaban Okten, Busra Dilaveroglu, Lana Kudumovic, Salih Salbacak, Nazende Yılmaz
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, Istanbul, Turkiye.


The basic design lesson is an introductory course that teaches students the fundamental principles of design, including elements such as form, space, scale, proportion, and composition. It is also an introduction to both concrete thinking and abstract one, which is rather about ideas and general thought. Abstraction is one of the steps ap- plied for design learning processes because it may improve students’ capacity for creative thinking. In practice, architects may use abstraction to sim- plify complex design problems and create clear, concise solutions. Basic Design Studio at Faculty of Architecture, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University (FSMVU), has dealt with the task of abstraction, while each generation’s initial phase changed. This paper aims to define basic steps that guided students in FSMVU to apply abstraction in developing their final design, starting from objects from nature to geometrically defined shapes. Keywords: Abstraction, basic design, design studio, education, architecture.


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Corresponding Author
Burcu Balaban Okten,
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University,
E-mail: burcu.okten@fsm.edu.tr