Instructions for the authors
Before you start to prepare your paper please read the following checklist:
Papers must be prepared using MS Word
Papers are preferred to be submitted as *email attachments to the email:
Papers must not exceed 12 pages in length
Ensure you sign and send the Registration form
Paper must be prepared using Template
Authors take full responsibility for text authorship as well as copyright permission of any used material.
Preparing the paper for TTEM Journal
First Author, Second Author, Third Author
First affiliation, Address, City, Country,
Second affiliation, Address, City, Country
Third affiliation, Address, City, Country
In this paper are given the instructions for preparing camera ready paper for the TTEM Journal. The recommended, but not limited text processor is Microsoft Word (docx). Insert an abstract of 150-200 words, giving a brief account of the most relevant aspects of the paper.
It is recommended to use up to 5 keywords. The Keyword should appear on the new line following the last line of the abstract, without a line space, set in Times New Roman 10pt.
Key words: Article, ready paper, TTEM Journal.
1. Introduction
In order to affect high quality of the papers, the authors are requested to follow instructions given in this sample paper.
Title page - Every article has to have a title page with a title of no more than 10 words: name (s), last and first of the author (s), name of the institution the author(s) belongs to, abstract, keywords, introduction, etc.
The paper has to be typed on a standard size paper (format A4). All materials, including tables and references, have to be typed single-spaced. Main text should be set in 11 pt Times Roman, not in bold. All of the text should be printed as a double column and JUSTIFIED throughout.
Regular length of the papers up to 12 pages, (preferred text length is between 5000-7000 words). Footnote-comments, explanations, etc., cannot be used in the paper. Where cannot be avoid end noted should be used after conclusion with given numbers in a squared bracket [1].
2. Instructions for the authors
Main text body - Times New Roman 12 point’s font should be used for the text. The manuscript has to be prepared in two columns separated by 5 mm. The margins for A4 (210×297 mm2) paper are given in Table 1.
Regular paper may be divided in a number of sections. Section titles (including references and acknowledgements) should be typed using 11 pt fonts with bold option.
Sections can be split in subsections, which should be typed in 10 pt Italic options. Figures should be one column wide. If it is impossible to place the figure in one column, two column width figure is allowed. Each figure must have a caption under the figure. For the figure captions 10 pt font should be used.
2.1. Tables and Pictures
Tables have to be numbered and shown by their order, so they can be understood without having to read the paper. Pictures also have to be numbered as they appear in text. All illustrations (pictures, drawings, diagrams, photos, figures etc.) have to be original. Authors are obligated to take Copyright permission, and any misunderstanding or conflict of interest will be responsibility solely of Author. Preferably the picture format is TIF, quality 300 DPI.
Table 1. Page layout description
Paper size | A4 |
Top margin | 20 mm |
Bottom margin | 20 mm |
Left margin | 20 mm |
Right margin | 18 mm |
Column Spacing | 5 mm |

If they have been prepared or taken by Author than only year can be added Figure 1.
If they have been prepared or taken by someone else see Figure 2.
If they have been taken from any source than use them same as for the text as given in the Figure 3.
3. Use of abbreviations
Use of abbreviations has to be reduced to mini- mum. Conventional units can be used without their definitions.
4. Conclusion
Be brief and state the most important conclusions from your paper. Do not use equations and figures here.
[1] Only where can not be avoided. The Endnotes headings are in bold but have no numbers.
Acknowledgements (If any)
Acknowledgements are to state about research supporting institution and title of the project (if any and where necessary), otherwise should not be written.
The Reference headings are in bold but have no numbers. Format references in the APA style. References inside text body should be written as follows:
Single author: (Stewart, 2022) Two authors: (Stewart and Adams, 2022) Three or more authors: (Kudumovic et al., 2022)
When referring to pages in a publication, use ‘p. (page number)’ e.g. p.75 for a single page or ‘pp. (page numbers)’ to indicate a page range. e.g. pp.175-179. (Kudumovic et al., 2022, p. 5) or (Kudumovic et al., 2022, pp. 5-18)
- For books
Surname, initials (year), title of book, publisher, place of publication. e.g. Kudumovic, Dž. (2009), Nauka o čvrstoći I, Univezitet u Tuzli, Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina. For book chapters: Surname, initials (year), “chapter title”, editor’s surname, initials (Ed.), title of book, publisher, place of publication, page numbers.
e.g. Kudumovic, L. (2018), “20th Century’s Heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina as an Integrat- ed Part of Cultural Routes-Authentic Bosnia and Herzegovina Case Study: Mining town Banovici “, Pasic, A., Juvanec, B. and Moro, J.L. (Ed.s), The Importance of Place Values and Building Practice in the Historic Urban Landscape, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, pp.91-105.
- For journals
Surname, initials (year), “title of article”, journal name, volume issue, page numbers. e.g. Kudumovic, Dz., Cosic, S., Trakic, E. and Kudumovic, L. (2008). “Modelation And Optimisation Of Self Operating Pump Parameters”, Technics Technologies Education Management, Vol.3 No. 2, pp. 51-56.
- For published conference proceedings
Surname, initials (year of publication), “title of paper”, in editor’s surname, initials (Ed.), title of published proceeding which may include place and date(s) held, publisher, place of publication, page numbers. e.g. Wilde, S. and Cox, C. (2008), “Principal fac- tors contributing to the competitiveness of tourism destinations at varying stages of development”, in Richardson, S., Fredline, L., Patiar A. and Ternel, M. (Ed.s), CAUTHE 2008: Where the ‘bloody hell’ are we?, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Qld, pp.115-118
- Adding http and DOI
Where possible add after reference http or DOI For any http add also accessed date. Eg. Zhu, G. and Yu, G. (2020), “Apine apple flavor imitation by the not method”, Food Science and Technology, Vol. 40 No.4, pp. 924-928. Available at: (accessed 20 October 2022) Zhu, G. and Xiao, Z. (2017), “Creation and imitation of a milk flavour”, Food & Function, Vol. 8, pp. 1080-1084. DOI: 10.1039/c7fo00034k.
- For encyclopedia entries
Title of encyclopedia (year), “title of entry”, volume, edition, title of encyclopedia, publisher, place of publication, page numbers. e.g. Encyclopedia Britannica (1926), “Psychology of culture contact”, Vol. 1, 13th ed., Encyclopedia Britannica, London and New York, NY, pp.765-771.
- For archival or other unpublished sources
Surname, initials (year), “title of document”, un- published manuscript, collection name, inventory record, name of archive, location of archive. e.g. Erdoğan, E. G. (1996), „İstanbul’daki Os- manli Yapilarinda Kullanilan Devşirme Malze- menin Değerlendirilmesi“, Unpublished Master Thesis, İstanbul, University, İstanbul.
- For electronic sources
If available online, the full URL should be supplied at the end of the reference, as well as the date that the resource was accessed. Surname, initials (year), “title of electronic source”. Available at: persistent URL (accessed date month year). e.g. Zhou, Y. and Xiao, Z. (2007), Preparation Technology of Flavors, China Textile and Apparel Press, Beijing. Available at: https://book.douban. com/ subject/2256624/ (accessed 20 June 2018)
e.g. Campbell, A. and Kahn, R.L. (2015), Amer- ican National Election Study, 1948, ICPSR07218- v4, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (distributor), Ann Arbor, MI. Available at: v4 (accessed 20 June 2018) Gorenc Novak, M. and Velušček, D. (2016). Pre- diction of stock price movement based on daily high prices. Quantitative Finance, Vol. 16 No.5, pp. 793- 826. DOI: 10.1080/14697688.2015.1070960
Corresponding Author, Name Surname, Institution, City, Country, E-mail:
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