Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Rural Areas: Case Study of the Vrutok Village and Recane Village in Gostivar, North Macedonia, Using Vulnerability Index Method

Jasemin Hodza Djafer

International Vision University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Gostivar, North Macedonia


Applying methodologies that enable faster evaluation of larger numbers of buildings are frequently applied approaches for seismic vulnerability assessment in larger urban areas. The same methods can also be useful in examining large numbers of existing buildings in rural areas. Considering the high seismic vulnerability of masonry buildings and the fact that there is large number of masonry buildings in rural areas, seismic risk assessment in these areas is particularly important. Masonry buildings in rural areas of the Republic of North Macedonia were mostly built in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century’s or earlier. Where it is clearly seen that these buildings were built before the existence of seismic design regulations. The aim of the research is to examine the vulnerability of existing masonry buildings in the selected areas, in order to analyze the seismic risk. In the research, two villages were selected for analysis. In the article, the vulnerability index method was applied to evaluate the vulnerability of existing masonry buildings in the village Vrutok and village Recane in Gostivar, North Macedonia. As part of research, 49 buildings were evaluated, where 26 buildings are in the village Vrutok and 23 buildings in the village Recane.
Keywords: Masonry buildings, Seismic risk, Vulnerability


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Corresponding Author

Jasemin Hodza Djafer,

International Vision University,

Faculty of Engineering and Architecture,


North Macedonia,
