Placemaking as an approach for enhanced healthy life in the cities: Case study of Sarajevo

Mirna Krpo

Landscape studio “AvliYa”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina


This work primarily aims to encompass and analyze the impact of “healing gardens” within local communities and their significance in facilities that provide users with necessary assistance during their treatment. The research is predominantly based on “healing gardens” for children with cancer and has been applied in practice through a case study at one of the facilities in Sarajevo where the Parents’ House for children with cancer is located. The research also included another case study implemented in one of the residential areas in Sarajevo, the Grbavica neighborhood, through which the needs of its residents for the arrangement of communal green spaces were presented. The work aims to provide guidelines for further design of “healing gardens” within local communities to most beautifully and effectively influence the psycho-physical condition of their users.
Key words: placemaking, healing gardens, healthy life, green public space, landscape design, landscaping, landscape architecture.


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Corresponding Author

Mirna Krpo,

Landscape studio “AvliYa”,


Bosnia and Herzegovina,
