Improving the professional development of teachers through learning management systems

Nejra Hadzic – Krnic, Mensura Kudumovic University of Sarajevo

Faculty of Educational Science, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina


At the core of professional development of teachers, it is sought to understand that professional development is in teaching teachers how to learn and transform their knowledge into practice, all with the aim of developing student abilities. The increasing need for online education makes us wonder what are the most effective practices for facilitating professional development using online platforms. Online professional development is defined as formal professional learning that is fully realised online (online), all with the aim of more efficient changes in the knowledge, behaviour and practices of teachers. The efficiency of this type of teacher education can be reflected in increased cooperation with internal and external associates, increasing the ability to think about their practice, as well as the implementation of teaching practices learned through learning management systems. In order to determine the satisfaction of the current way of professional development of teachers, a survey was conducted among teachers. Problems faced by teachers during their professional training were identified, as well as obstacles that lead to reduced use of online platforms for their education. The obtained research results will serve to improve the professional development of teachers, promote an online system for learning management, so that every teacher has access to online education and topics that they will be able to perfect when they want and at the pace they want.
Keywords: professional development, teacher, learning management system, LMS, professional development


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Coresponding Author

Nejra Hadzic – Krnic,

University of Sarajevo,

Faculty of Educational Science,


Bosnia and Hercegovina,
