Trends in implementation of municipal development projects: the Kosovo experience

Florina Jerliu

Faculty of Architecture, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo.


Municipal development projects in Kosovo implement local legislation and European standards and good practices. However, the issue of good quality remains a challenge in terms of both, procurement practice and technical standards. This paper attempts to highlight these challenges through analysing municipal audit reports in matters of public procurement of development project, and by identifying, grouping and interpreting key problems emerging from reports. Results show that challenges surface as early as in project inception phase. Also, the trend in addressing procurement challenges is slightly positive, while technical and environmental considerations including aspects of good design remain unaddressed. The paper is mainly trying to disclose the situation in implementing municipal development projects at a national level, and to draw attention about the need for enhancement in critical phases of project cycle management.
Key words: municipal development project, municipal audit report, good quality, Kosovo


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Corresponding Author
Florina Jerliu
Faculty of Architecture,
University of Prishtina,
Republic of Kosovo,