The role of school principal in raising of employee motivation

Semso Aganspahic, Mensura Kudumovic
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Abstract This paper speaks of principle, description of one’s job and all activities one performs in school, especially in motivating of employees in school. The aim of this research comes out of necessity to determine the role of school management and the way of motivation improvement among employees. This research is conducted under the survey method of theoretical analysis pedagogical choose mentation analysis method and interviewing and scaling with questionnaire for principals, teachers, and professional associates in primary schools. This research included 7 primary schools in Bosnia Podrinje County (BPC) Gorazde, in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The research included 55 responded 10 principals, 10 professional associates and 35 teachers. The results show how estimated principles generally use motivation factors more in ones work. There are differences in frequency of usage of certain motivation factors in principles work regarding gender, degree of education and length of service in school. School management, as well as other subjects in educational process, have positive attitude in concept of usage of motivation factors in work process in school.
Key words: school, mandate functions, principle, motivation, teacher, motivators, professional associate.


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Corresponding Author:
Semso Aganspahic,
Univerity of Sarajevo,
Faculty of Educational Sciences,
Bosnia and Herzegovina,