Open school and EMILIN’s model of work in teaching methodology

Dragana Aleksic1, Mensura Kudumovic2
1 Independet university of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
2 Univerity of Sarajevo, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Abstract EMILIN model-electronic model for innovative- logical research of teaching process, represents innovation which student and teacher can use together through physical contact and live word of teacher, but with assistance of information technologies. School now days are considered organisers, directors and coordinators of all programs related to general development of young people and social environment in which they act and will be more considered as such in future. Therefore, schools, will be less considered as teaching institutions and more considered as organisers of teaching and various social, cultural and teaching actions and programs in environment with larger number of participants from its environment: parents, companies, associations, organisations and order interested subjects. In order to achieve such social intention of school it is necessary to connect, cooperate and act along with social environment. Aim: The aim of this paper is to examine the level of satisfaction and usage of it and new emodel of innovative-logical research of teaching. Methods: This research is conducted in primary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Federation, Republic Srpska and district Brcko) during 2018/2019. This research included 797 respondents (539 students and 259 teachers) in 12 primary schools. Results: Nearly half of respondents evaluated as good or excellent the question about usage of computers and new EMILIN model in teaching and teachers of primary schools have shown approval of its application, but with statistically significant difference in this evaluation. Conclusion: EMILIN model facilitates learning, and teachers and students are satisfied with new ways of work with help of this model and IT.
Key words: Open school, inovations, Emilin model, teaching process learning.


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Corresponding Author:
Dragana Aleksic,
Independet university of Banja Luka,
Banja Luka,
Bosnia and Herzegovina,